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    Western Massachusetts
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  1. Pm incoming. Ill take the phantom k9
  2. My favorite reel I've ever owned. I have tiny mitts and palm it no problem. Holds plenty of 25lb sunline assassin too if you wanna go higher or lower as far as that's concerned. You won't be disappointed
  3. Handle comes off? Any idea what it would cost, never had to ship rods before
  4. I'll pitch it up into cover, wait 5-10 seconds and twitch it. If they don't eat it then I'll slowly crank it down. If they don't eat on the twitch, it will be within a few cranks of the reel handle. Otherwise just keep a slower tempo as it's cranked down and add pauses here or there
  5. My most effective one, has st-41's and 3-4 1" golf tape strips on the head section behind the hook hanger. Strictly cranking, it'll basically suspend on the pause
  6. Different opinion here, I have a poe's mag stick and wouldn't even think about throwing a wade hoggs on it, too sketchy. Not sure if I just prefer a more stout rod. I throw stuff 3.5-4+ on a genesis 3 bailey's swim. As for guides I have 50lb braid to 17lb flouro leader with an Albright knot on the poes stick and don't have any problems
  7. Bump. Let me see what you got!
  8. To clarify, as for slammers, looking for 9" plus and or multiples
  9. Bump $150 tyd Or trade for trout punker, slammer, toxic baits. Let me know what you got!
  10. Lefty Daiwa Luna 300 for sale Cosmetically and functionally 9/10 No box $175 tyd
  11. Great price on a VERY underrated reel
  12. My uncle might have a cannon buried in his basement I can't remember hahah
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