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Posts posted by ewillsd

  1. On 7/26/2023 at 5:46 PM, SumoNinja said:

    Stability, not too much roll, can walk easily. Not all good swimming rats can be walked. I don't have huge confidence in knocks that are super loud. Just my experience. I also prefer 2 pc rats but I'd still fish both

    I prefer wake n cranks also. 

    I second the 2 pc

  2. 7 hours ago, FishDr said:

    Nice move, and way to be cautious about swimming. Float tubes are a good option of bait retrieval.

    When I first saw the palm trees I thought “Oh crap! He’s tubing in gator country!” but then I saw that you’re in SoCal. 

    Snapping turtles and the occasional territorial duck are the most you gotta worry about float tubing in SoCal

  3. I personally like to add some weight to the front and use the joint pads/ sticky dots for furniture on the last joint to (almost) completely lock it out. I'm able to dead walk it with ease and on a straight retrieve it will swim fluidly like a triple trout. It is a very fun bait to play around with and just see what you can make it do.

  4. In order of your questions.

    1. You can go with either but i would recommend getting a production rod at firs because custom rods are very expensive. Not sure what your rods are rated or what baits you plan on throwing but you will typically want a h or xh rod. Dobyns, phenix, or daiwa are a good place to start.

    2. ^

    3. I personally like izorline cxx copoly. lb test depends on baits you throw. i usually go with 20 lb and can throw up to 7 oz. YOu can also use fluoro mostly 25 lb abraizx.

    4. Line connection I personally tie direct to soft baits and use a snap or split ring on my hard baits. One thing i go by personally is that if the bait comes with a split ring, it is probably meant to be fished with one.

    5. I don't know what you fish but most will tell you to fish ambush point such as ledges, rock piles, weed lines, brush piles, etc. I usually don't worry about color other than clarity or sometimes food source. Go with what you feel is right or what you think they will eat.

    Here is a link to an article that really helped guide me in the beginning: http://www.workingclasszero.net/quest-for-the-cure/

    Also just search around on youtube and soak up any useful information you can find.

    Hopefully this helps you. Welcome to the community! This is a good place for info and help

  5. In terms of lighting you can use a green light to see the boat and what you're doing. Pretty sure that green light doesn't scare or spook fish. Weedless baits are awesome for when you aren't sure what you're casting into or at and then the go to wake bait always works.

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