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Everything posted by MaineBassin

  1. I believe it was crazybassfisher who showed doing one on YouTube.
  2. Amazing. I'm just getting started making some baits and your channel is at the top when I need inspiration. Great work man.
  3. Wow...great work. Any benefit to those vertical pins vs twisted wire or screw eyes for the hinge?
  4. In/through thick grass bottoms?
  5. Does bottom composition matter at all with huds? I fish a lot of small ponds that seem to have grass all over the bottom. It doesn't feel like dragging them on the bottom through grass is effective.
  6. Will do. Curious...what does it weigh? Lighter than I thought it would be.
  7. Excellent feedback guys. After watching YouTube videos it's a no brainier how much quicker a saw and sander make it. This is enough feedback to convince me. Govt stimulus is buying me some equipment. @kev_swmbt_20 got your wake today! Pumped to go throw this thing tomorrow. I'm determined to find a topwater bite even in the cold water.
  8. Nice work Jesse. I'm finally getting out for the first time tomorrow.
  9. Hey guys, getting into making some baits. as of now i only see doing wood baits. Im on a semi limited budget but i can see the value of having a scroll or band saw vs hand carving everything. So if you had to choose one, which would you pick? The negative i see with a scroll saw is it is fairly limited to depth it can cut. so if you flip up a big bait to cut the side profile, many are limited to around 2.5 inches if i recall correctly. any way, thoughts? thanks in advance. Justin
  10. I've never had a hookup problem at night with my 9" slammer. I have a great hook up ratio with it. If anything, it's staying patient at night and trusting the feel vs getting excited on a blow up and setting the hook early. Trebles flying back at you at night is not a fun game.
  11. Imo, that's what makes this bait one of the best. It's always fishing. Sitting still, waking, cranking etc. Always working. And fish eat it. I've caught 15 inchers on my 9" slammer. And , knock on wood, I rarely if ever lose a slammer fish. They make it to the net.
  12. If you have a light chop cast it out and leave it. Crazy action dead sticking it with just a little wave action. That's on the 9 inch anyway. Imo can't go wrong. Twitch it, light to fast crank, etc. Phenomenal bait.
  13. One thing not discussed, is how we fish effects a good hookset. By this I mean boat vs kayak vs shore. I kayak fish and sometimes depending on conditions, a good solid hookset can be a challenge (wind to the back, current etc). Like others said above, I always try to position myself to be in a position for a powerful hookset. But sometimes were are not positioned correctly and we get caught. Also, if the fish takes off at you it can be tough to set well and catch up to her. You will get it man. Like others said, you are finding great fish. That's a big advantage. The rest will come.
  14. Reading you say 30 seconds before you lost her.....tells me you were not grinding it in. Even on a long cast, if you are cranking it in it should take less than 30 seconds. That's a long time imo. Sometimes you do everything right and still lose them. All you can do is do your part. Get better with every hook up. And try to recognize what you do wrong and correct it on the next. Every fish is different.
  15. Are your hooks sharp? Are you getting a good hookset? People have different preferences, but I'm a "grind it in" kinda guy. I have a tatula 200hd. I lock down the drag. When I have a fish on I horse the fish in. Watching the line at the water, if it raises, the fish is going to jump (or try). Once I see it break the surface I'm adding extra pressure, trying not to let her jump or shake her head. Pulling the rod hard while cranking helps this. I always have my net ready so I can scoop her up as soon as possible. Playing with it or Changing directions with your rod (even tho you feel like you are keeping pressure) gives them a chance. It can be mesmerizing and fascinating to watch a bass surface, jump, mouth open ext. But when you get caught up watching you relax a bit. One stop of the reel or just a bit of slack is all they need to get free.
  16. I remember reading about this a while back. I have 3. Bought used. Is this a do once and done forever or should they be boiled every so often? Someone out there...knows something...
  17. i wanted one the day i saw the video online. i finally traded for one last summer. i love it. have yet to catch anything on it, but i havent had a lot of water time over the last 12 months. i fish a lot of small ponds and love its shallow water capabilities. i do not see any negatives either. i havent really experimented with it. mostly slow rolling with some speed ups here and there. learned the hardway over the winter about the tail tho. it.softened and deformed. glad i got a second. i keep the plastic cover on it at all times now.
  18. havent been on here in a while...im in norway. little bit away but not bad.
  19. where in Maine were you fishing? im in western
  20. are there certain conditions to crank and to only wake?
  21. my first slammer (9") was 15". they will eat it!
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