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Everything posted by Delta_fisher

  1. If you have a profumo fut I'm interested in it. Let's see what ya fellas got!
  2. Any color is fine. Any condition.
  3. If I had some spare cash I'd buy that one in a heartbeat. I always could use a slammer hanging around. I bought the 7" off kenji. If your interested in a trade possibly DM me!
  4. I know that's an option. Just seeing what's used out there in the world. I know someone has one sitting around they don't need. Like I said I'm not picky on color or condition. It's going to get a treatment anyways.
  5. Selling more than what I can get it new once they are back in stock....
  6. Anyone have a 7" slammer that isn't getting any use? Color doesn't matter. Condition doesn't matter. I don't even care if there are hooks! Let me know what you have! Maybe we can strike a deal
  7. Man that would be perfect for stripers. If I can come up with the funds Friday ill hit you up.
  8. I've ordered a couple of TT'S direct. It's not like,I honestly need another plug right now lol
  9. I'm.cheap! Single income and running a boat multiple times a week!
  10. I was hoping it's a floater. Now I need to find the funds!
  11. Oh my. If I had the cash id buy it in a heartbeat
  12. Left or right. I've got a 201te calcutta I may be willing to part with
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