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    Dallas, TX
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    Bass Fishing Duh...


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  1. TK is a pretty light bait you can use any reel. A standard swimbait reel like a tranx 300 is insane overkill for a tk. For that size bait i like the DC200 but i have also thrown it on a standard curado dc and it works just fine.
  2. the chad shad has become a staple for me you can do a lot with it.. its my go to tight to cover glide
  3. they're good all around rods IMO, obviously good for trebles but ive also caught a lot of jig hook fish too. The finsih on them is great but theyre a little heavy though and duller feeling compared to my leviathan omega rod (my current favorite treble rod). If you mainly throw treble hook baits might check out the leviathan omegas.. love those rods. super light crisp and parabolic. Def not the rod u want tho if u throw jig hook baits.
  4. Can you get by throwing jig hook baits like battle shad and citizens on this 711xh or is it way too parabolic? looking for travel rod that can get by doing both this and trebles ... thanks man.
  5. seriously.. ive been waiting months!
  6. i always appreciate these heads ups.. thanks whammy
  7. like others have said, has more to do with settings/rod/line etc.. you have the get them all right cus theyre all a piece of the equation. That being said... for some reason I feel like my Diawa Z2020 throws baits further than any other reel I have. I have never tested it to be sure but the reel is an absolute blast to cast... even straight into the wind. I dont throw anything over 4 ounces on this particular reel tho as I usually go to my tranx or lexa 300 for bigger stuff. I run 20lb sniper on all my reels.
  8. Im up in prosper, also got an 807 im gonna try to offload. that and an 867
  9. How do you like that nekosogill?
  10. Same as anywhere else, try to get your bait close to cover and swim it by pinch points. I just moved out here a few months ago and most of the ponds near me don't have any rock which is something I would always target, so for me its been mostly vegetation cover and structure changes that create pinch points. Just keep at it and may want to try going at night.
  11. Messaged him on the 19th.. said working on new batch but no update to share until he’s closer to completion
  12. I have the Leviathan, its better for lighter baits. throws 2-8oz but feels like the sweet spot is 3-4. honestly, 250 feels too heavy for it. I currently throw the 250 on the 807 and it does the job. 807 is rated up to 10oz so the sweet spot is closer to the 250 weight.
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