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Everything posted by NorthernBass4L

  1. Not even just the baits, to get a 6/0 owner beast you gotta pay a pretty penny
  2. I mean generally id look for something moderate with a heavy to extra heavy power for that weight class, but that depends a lot on the brand of the rod and such
  3. Usually, I hate pickerel. They ruin my softbaits, recently they took the tail off my yunique gill. Yesterday however I landed these freaking beast of a slime missile. Came off a tk dead walking. Massive hit, barely any fight. As for measurements easily above 5 pounds. I didn't wanna get my scale out, its freakin pickerel at the end of the day
  4. What's up SU, wanna get into the crawler scene. Tell me when you throw them and what some of your favorites are. Also curious about durability, wings/hardware and such.
  5. Starting to get the hang of dead walking the TK! Feels awesome to build confidence in a bait. Not a giant but slammed it twice before getting the hooks. Went 3.66 Also slammed it into a metal dock. Knocked the lip off but I think it didn’t crack thankfully. Gotta risk it sometimes for those money casts
  6. Way to get out there man!! You earned that one
  7. Hey SU, been wondering about gill glides/gill profile glides. What are y'alls favorite? How do you find the hookup percentage to be on said baits? I definitely need to add one to my arsenal.
  8. Got this Peso custom painted by Shankbait. Looks super dope, goes down 9 feet. Can't wait to get it in some of that rockbass infested northeast water!
  9. Tannnkkkk!! Great job man!
  10. Came in at 4-9. Dead walking it right along the bank. Beautiful northern strain gotta love it
  11. First fish on Yunique scout. First swimbait fish of 2024. Got 3 bites today miraculously, only connected with this one. 36 degree air temp. Massachusetts on the board.
  12. Imma give this a free bump cause that paint job looks so dope
  13. Ever since I got on SU and learned about the calico/spotty/sandbass fishery I have been interested in it. Out here In the northeast I would say the closest thing we really have would be black sea bass, but you don't target them anything like you target the pacific basses. But what I've always been confused by is the fact that they really don't seem to grow that big, and yet the gear people use is what I would consider to be like heavy bass gear. It seems like sometimes a nice fish would be small even for largemouth standards of size. And it seems like there's other sick saltwater fish to catch out there that grow much larger. I am in no way trying to diss on a fishery, personally I think its dope as hell, the fish look sick. I am just curious, what's the main drawing to going after the pacific basses? Is it like they put up a great fight? Lots of numbers to make for fun days? Let me know! Maybe I will have to book a trip out west to experience it for myself sometime. (Figured I would post here since this topic isn't about freshwater bass)
  14. Man that bait is so sick! Super generous to be contributing to a community like this! I am in!!
  15. I think he’s trying to describe a lo float
  16. I was gonna say this too lol. Maybe start out with a pack of yum dingers and a couple of 3/0 if you’re lookin to go catch instead of going into the most expensive side of bass fishing if money really is the problem
  17. I’ve seen some MA bass get caught on wakes in colder water than you’d think they’d eat a wake but soft baits and glide’s definitely are gonna give you a little better chance ha
  18. Didn’t have my electronics on the trip I got this fish but I’d guess the water temps are in that mid to low 40s range. Definitely cold water bassin !
  19. Hey I'm interested in the ds glides but I am a new member so could you shoot me a pm so we can chat?
  20. Really healthy fish, gotta love those clearwater colors. Feels good to get one this late in MA. Trash fish got it done !!
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