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3:16 and UFO lot


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Only looking to sell as a lot at this time. I may consider splitting down the line but I'm just trying to recoup some funds from all the saddle hunting gear I bought this year and it's not really worth it for me to make multiple trips to USPS with how busy things are. I'd rather keep them than make 7 trips to the post office.

Baits are:

UFO - Shallow crank male gill, thrown once, like new.

UFO - Wake red resin bass, thrown a few times, only a couple light chips at joints as seen in pics.

3:16 - SS freestyle sport lavender shad, like new.

3:16 - SS 6" freestyle sissy trout, like new.

3:16 - Wake Jr Kokanee, used with standard Wake Jr. wear, see pics.

3:16 - SS Kokanee workhorse, like new.

3:16 - SS trout workhorse, like new.

Looking for $1550 tyd, F&F or add appropriate fees for goods and services to net $1550 to me. Only trade I'm interested in is for fifteen $100 bills plus a fifty. I won't respond to messages about splitting or you calling dibs if I ever split.









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