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Rat a tat tat dat bass


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Hit the lake yesterday and wasn't expecting much since I couldn't get on the water until about 1130. Started out with a 5 and 3 on a deps in the first cove I came to and thought this might be a decent day. Then the deps bite died so I picked up a Toxic rat. Few casts in I get the fish in the picture, 6lbs 2oz, 23 inches long, all head no body. Kept on fishing the same cove and hooked what looked and felt like a 7 or 8, but it never made it to the boat. Added another 5 on the rat and called it a day.


They wanted the rat thrown under the overhanging trees in the shade, but they didn't want it to move much. Twitch here, twitch there, long pause. The fish bit weird too. No explosion or anything like that, almost mouthing it and seeing what happens. The fish I lost was definitely because of this. Twitch, twitch pause, then started slowly waking it out and the bait was running sideways, not straight, took me a second to process that it was a fish lol



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