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Mother, HPH 9", ROF 5 top hook hudds, EXO 300


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Mother - $385 OBO

HPH 9" - $225 OBO


Buy both the Mother and HPH - $550 shipped


ROF 5 Top hook Hudds, 1 Hitch and 1 Hold Over, new in package $60 for both shipped.


Quantum EXO 300, lighter and holds more line than a Currado 300 -  $125 OBO



I also have a like new GLoomis IMX FLip/Punch 7'11" XH 956 C FPR 1/2oz - 1 1/2oz. Bought two of these for the Delta, sold one after the trip and have yet to make another trip back. This one has been riding in the boat unused since. $200 


Rod sale local to San Diego only.


The last few times I've sold multiple items I attempted to be as fair as possible and responded in order, held baits for individuals who promised to pay and all that other nonsense.  Such a huge waste of time with so many flakes out there. I'll continue to be as fair as I can; however, if you have no intentions on purchasing an item please don't respond hastily stating you will take it and then never send the money. I feel like for most of the people on here this is common sense; however, for those of you who lack better judgement I'm just letting you know as politely as I can. 


Thanks for your time guys,

















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All I ever see is everyone on here going dipshit for a HPH and all I've heard from my buddy is dudes send messages saying they want the bait then back out or try to lowball offer afterwards. If you don't have the money don't message him. If your gonna haggle, don't message him. And trust me you have nothing he wants to trade for so get over it. We are both blown away by how guys on this sight lowball the ish out of everything we try to sell. Plain and simple, either pay what the asking price is, or make an offer IF thats how a bait is posted for sale but please stop wasting both our time if your not a serious buyer or are going to make an offer that just makes me want to slap the stupid off your face

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hudds and Exo are sold


I have no problem with any offers on other items, my issue is with people who keep saying they'll take it then don't respond for days... or even worse they say they'll take it, don't respond for days and then say I can only offer you $50 less then what I originally said I'd take it for and I need 2 weeks to come up with the money because my mom stubbed her toe. 

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