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In this weight loss thing


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So I'm in this weight loss thing at work, I have 30 days and whoever looses the highest% wins. I've been reading all sorts of ish online, but anyone ever do this before? I weighed in at 228.6 and I am weighing every Tuesday through the month of August.

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What is your goal, winning or losing weight in a healthy manner? :lol:


Bottom line, it's all about calories consumed vs. calories burned. You could starve yourself and win the competition but your metabolism will come to a screaching halt and the whole deal will backfire when you put the weight back on after the month is over.


Figure out what your goal body weight is and multiply it by 10. That will give you a rough estimate of your daily calories. Eat that daily amount of calories throughout the day with small meals consisting of whole foods. Consume healthy carbs, protein and healthy fats (ie peanut butter) ...don't forget your veggies. :lol: Basically, just eat healthy.


As far as working out to burn calories, you can walk, lift, run, etc. I don't know what your fitness level is, but a good way for beginners to burn calories is to walk/run. Start off by walking to warm up. When you're ready, beginning running and set a goal time, maybe 30 seconds/1 minute/2 miles/etc. (again, I don't know your fitness level) When you've reached your goal time, go back to walking. Alternate between walking and running for a couple of miles (to start) and gradually add either longer running intervals or longer total distances.


Eat smart and exercise on the regular. Being in shape will help you on the water too. ;)

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Watch this video


It's on Netflix as well as his website


Fat, sick and almost dying


I am doing a 10 day juice cleanse and am on day 4 down 9lbs


+1 on the juice cleanse.


Not saying I know all about nutrition and weight loss but being in med school I've learned a view things.. This stuff is pretty basic and its off the cuff but it may help you out.


1. Take in about 5-7 small meals throughout the day. Helps with metabolism.


2. Try your best to not eat past 7 pm.


3. Drink as much water and eliminate all other drinks beside your juices if thats what you choose to do.


4. Get some kind of workout or activity in once a day if possible. 30-45 min


5. Avoid all kinds of diets that seem to good to be true. These "to good to be true diets work and you'll lose weight really quick but you'll gain it right back as soon as you quit. And your body is likely to have a vitamin or mineral imbalance from those crap diets.


6. 1200 calories is the minimum a grown person should take in per day.


Good luck, hope it helps.


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Pretty simple. Eat healthy, less calories you intake the better but you also need to make sure your not starving yourself. The more you starv yourself the more fats your body will hold onto.

Workout wise 2-3 days a week your body will stay the same 4-6 days a week your body will show change. Run!! A lot. Do things that will make you sweat.


You can also eat laxative? Clean you right out haha

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