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Everything posted by Willduhhbeast

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I regretted not getting in on that super shad last time.
  2. Take a look in the got em section and see which of the two baits are catching more fish. Its a great way to pass the hype and get the the meat of comparing baits. Also, try searching the web and reading some forums on the topic, there is a lot of good info out there. Also look here, on the member reviews part of the forums. I know the mother was reviewed extremely well. From my personal experience, here is what I know. The slide swimmer 250 has a much different action than its smaller sized slide swimmers. Dont be afraid of the size. If you have a rod to throw the 250, THROW IT. Trust me. You can find a lot of other info about paint chipping, wood vs resin, and so on and so forth. Good luck. Your definitely headed on the right path looking at glide baits. These things are killer.
  3. Did I read this correctly? You're on 150 fishless fishing hours? And your in the Carolinas??? How is this possible!!!???
  4. I think there are a few things that deal with this issue. One, I like a lot of caffeine. Secondly, think about the baits your using. Consider water clarity, time of year, light conditions and the type of baitfish youre trying to mimic. When you feel good about your baits, or your approach it makes it all a ton easier. Sometimes you lose confidence in throwing a certain bait because you just dont get any action on it, its understandable. But something to think about here is that you cant force feed the wrong bait and the wrong time. Its like beating your head against the wall to spite your face. So do some testing, find out what works and when and where and that ALL really helps. I know it requires some invest, committed time in a given lake or pond, but soon you will find you start figuring things out. Once you have an idea of whats going on in that individual ecosystem, then you can start attacking it hard. There are a lot of basics when choosing baits that you can find by making some searches or just reading the forums here, but to be honest, nothing is gonna give you the kind of information a little trial and error will give you on your actual body of water. So basically what I'm getting at in a whole is 1.) Caffeine and 2.) Patiently learning the body of water and attacking it with the right plan. My confidence dwindles sometimes when im on a dry stretch, but never forget that the biggest fish in the lake might be right around the corner, just keep slinging em man.. you've already got the first part figured out. SWIMBAITS
  5. One thing I want to add that I didn't notice when reading through this thread was about a braid to fluro leader. I've not had luck with this connection using a few different knots, mostly the modified albright. I soon realized the issue was a non-stretch line to a non stretch line was a risky move. So then I moved to a mono top shot, and that worked really well, but was somewhat a pain in the ass with the knot moving through my LDC mini guides. It even knocked off my rod tip. using the modified albright. After that, I moved to straight 80 lb braid and caught my PB. I really like braid, and I may switch back one day, but for now I've been experimenting with monos. Just be careful with your braid to fluro connections.
  6. Just got back from the water and had a tough time with the 68 weedless as well. I was throwing it on an 8 foot H LDC production, 400te, and 25 lb cxx. The bite was HEAVY and the fish was holding it for about 3 seconds before she left. I used a right, parallel to the ground sweep and I really got into it. I reeled three times and thought she was stuck but it wasnt to be. After inspecting the bait, I can't see any battle wounds. I'm going to continue to learn and figure it out. As was mentioned before, we all know that a weedless bait is going to yield a more difficult time hooking up, but it is the price we pay for the weedless feature.
  7. I think Georgia bass only like to eat zoom trick worms. So it's pointless throwing a swimbait up there.
  8. Got a pic? No pics, but here's the Icast video Look at the size of that spinner bait at the end! WOW
  9. Remember guys, no one knows what and LDC can do like the guy who MAKES them. Ben will talk you through ALL of your questions and get you a rod that fits everything youre trying to do. Why not just get in contact with him? Lucky for us, he's not only an awesome rod maker, he's a nice guy too.
  10. Perfect setup. I use cxx as well. I have read a lot about guys switching up to the original P line, PF. I'm tempted to give it a shot. You will love that production H. It's so versatile. You can throw those tiny swimbaits, all the way up to deps 250s and even 3:16 BAAs! Although not ideal on the top end of weight, it still gets the job done and never loses its feel. Good choices.
  11. The part that makes it better than the hudd for this technique is the way the nose weight is designed. It always it to sink nose first, and the shape allows you to snap the line and pop it off the bottom. The bait was literally designed for exactly this. x3 on the mission fish.
  12. This video was incredible, thanks for posting. The bait looks pretty awesome, I could see a certain time and place for a bait like this. When they are chasing prey, similiar to when the triple trout is getting bit, I could really see this producing. Would you guys say this is sort of like a soft triple trout? Fish it kind of like a jerk bait?
  13. I dont know about that lake specifically but my swimbait game is EASILY most consistant on docks. STE covers some really import things about shade, and especially for this time of year. Find the shady sides of docks, stay as far away from your target as you possibly can, cast past you desired fishing spot, and work the area from different angles. One foot or less on a cast can make a huge difference I believe. I love to fish the hudd in a ROF 12. I rig is STE style with the trap hooks, but some guys like to drag the bottom. I cast the side, front and other side. Try different casts, back casts, switch it up and find what works once and go from there. Another key to remember while fishing docks is watching your depth finder and when you catch one, take a mental note at what depth that fish hit. Continue to try to find that pattern. For instance, was it the shady side? Was it on the windy side or the side blocked by wind? Was it shallow or deep? Steep or slow drop off? Main lake or feeder creek? I also say, fish every cast all the way to the boat, even if it was a nasty cast. I've caught fish 20 feet off the front of the dock in the middle of no where. This time of year i'd use a hudd, or a SS250. I dont have much confidence in the TT, although I know a lot of people that swear by it. Good luck!
  14. As soon as I saw that bait I thought of Falcor, I see I'm not the only one. So funny. Crazy bait, awesome.
  15. I throw the 10 inch TT on my LDC production heavy with a 400te on it. I dont necessarily have trouble getting the TT to haul ass. Now is it perfectly ideal? probably not. A slightly higher speed, even low pro reel may prove to be a better over all TT reel. I think the 400TE is very versatile though. the 400 and the 300 sizes are practically the same size in the hand too, for what its worth.
  16. Thats a good point, just pass it around to who you want, maybe even make a dedicated forum to post all the followings. It would be really interesting to track baits around the country and where they go and what they do, rather than worry about who qualifies. Hell I suppose anyone qualifies to the individual donating the bait to the game. Good point, I could agree with that as well. Maybe set up a sub forum dedicated to it just as Will said and each thread will be for each bait, ex: "Spooky007's 12" TT". We could then follow that bait with the pics of the fish it catches in one thread. Have some simple guidelines the person donating the bait has to follow as well as guidelines the person using the bait follows as well. Then the person donating the bait could also add their own rules, such as: "if lost, must pay [insert amount here] to the owner" or whatever other rules you would wanna add(without getting too crazy ). Just an idea This really sounds fun. I mean, its even making me look over my inventory of baits to send off to someone, just to see what THEY can come up with where they live. It would be nearly as rewarding as catching the damn fish. haha.
  17. Thats a good point, just pass it around to who you want, maybe even make a dedicated forum to post all the followings. It would be really interesting to track baits around the country and where they go and what they do, rather than worry about who qualifies. Hell I suppose anyone qualifies to the individual donating the bait to the game.
  18. Good point, but I can't say much, I try to make an effort to read and comment on each and every got 'em post. I remember how discouraging it was when I started out and post up what I thought was a decent fish only to have a few comments on it. Swimbo's old signature stuck in my head and I make it a point to go to the got 'em section first before I go to the black market when I log in But by no means does post count have anything to do with a person's ability to swimbait, I'm a prime example. 1600+ posts and still a noob Right on man. I realize my comments could be misconstrued. I was directing my negativity to those got em posters who we have no evidence to be fisherman. Lol. Travis, you're a beast and we all know that.
  19. Well Im a regular but don't have a 500 post count or more so guess i'm disqualified I think you have to be one of those "got em" section posters! You know the ones that have 1200 posts and 1000 in the got em section, and joined 3 months ago. Sorry for being so negative. Im not sure post count has any credibility on this site to be honest. I cant think of an accurate way to describe a regular and a newbie anyway, so I'm not adding anything productive. Good luck on your project.
  20. That thing looks pretty awesome, way better than the pictures on the site.
  21. I change hooks and split rings before I ever throw the bait. For slammers I use #7 owner hyper wire split rings and 1/0 ST-41's for 7" & 2/0 ST-41's for 9"(need to get a 12", I'm guessing 3/0 ST-41's). The 1/0's kinda get hung together on the 7", but not that often and worth it for the extra coverage in my opinion For TT's I use #6 hyper wire split rings and hooks for following- 7"-1/0 ST-36 up front, #1 ST-56 on back(had a good fish straighten out a #1 ST-36!), 8"-1/0 ST-36's on both, 10"-2/0 ST-36's on both. I can almost hear you saying this, as if I was watching one of your videos. Lol. Good information though. For a 10 inch triple trout I use what Matt Peters suggested; 3/0 in the front, 2/0 in the back.
  22. Damn, that thing broke his tail right off like it was nothing.
  23. I dont know about you guys, but I find that I enjoy challenging myself with specific baits. It can be difficult with time and place, but its fun. For instance, I spent a lot of time on the deps 250 although I knew the hudd bite was on. I was rewarded with what was the biggest fish I had caught in several trips, even though my buddy caught a few more on the hudd. I felt satisfied to get that deps fish. In my opinion, its sort of what we all do when we swimbait fish to a certain extent. Like "yeah my buddy is killing them on the dropshot, but Im gonna sling this 10 ounce swimbait 1283 times for a skunk"
  24. Looking for someone willing to part with a SLOW SINK carp FS. Ive got cash, let me know. I reeaaaaaaalllllllly think this thing is "FLORIDA trout" ALL over it.
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