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Everything posted by LUV-2-CATCH'EM

  1. You ever catch a few fish and a soft swimmer like a 4.8 Keitech... The Screwlock tears out and wont hold into the bait??? QUICK BAIT MOD: Bite the head off and Re-insert the screw lock...Big Surprise it still catches them! WARNING: They taste absolutely horrible and leave a "Butthole flavor" for 10+ min... The only thing that will help is a time and a soda. Hope this helps some Guys !
  2. Looking to SELL: $80 or Trade
  3. BassBass ... I don't have the choneys brother... Plus you got Gators where you fish so I would really be throwing only Floaters. Certainly NOT saying they don't work... I'm looking forward to seeing some Fishpicks on the "NEW" top hook line Thru he came out with. I think that bait will be BIGTIME! ...and maybe start a "Linethru-Hardbait Trend" from some other Bait makers... We fish a lot of timber in Texas and something a little more Weedless (Without Trebles) could be huge
  4. The Wake Jr is a Proven bait...as Well as the Freestyle Shad (Floater) Caught sme big fish on those 2 baits! There are many more but those are the ones I have thrown... Maybe it's just me but are there very many fish caught on 3:16 Hardbaits that DONT FLOAT? I just don't see many fish pics on the 3:16 Non-Floating baits... I've Always wondered if it because they are Pricy and guys are afraid to lose a nonfloater... Personally any bait over $100 that doesn't float make me nervious but I'm probably considered a cheap Swimbaiter compared to some of ya'll Not trying to start anything...just curious on the Non-Floaters
  5. I have considered a strip of Clear tape in the area where the hooks touch the rod...
  6. Lookin good man! Love you shareing the process too!
  7. Nice job! Looks good man! Wish I could help but I don't know anything bout resin...
  8. Was fishing a steep bank...decided to drop the Powepoles close to shore. Powerpoles down but they didn't catch the bottom... I drifted out into deeper water kept fishing Forgot they were down until one caught a stump and sent me off the Bow like a piledriver 2 boats witnessed...everyone got a laugh
  9. Very cool...Hope it brings you some Good carma
  10. Good fish and even better memories!
  11. Pretty little bait...Swims rad...just prefer the Hogg and like size gill wakes I'm sure she will find a good home...Paint is really sick!
  12. Anyone planning to bring back the Mandingo? I'm thinking of doing a Knock off version...for one of my baits (1) 2 of 3 Pc wake and (1) Mandingo Jr. Sorry guys NO Backing out now! You have to fish it...
  13. No Sir El Weruso...never owned one bud Probably a little tougher since it's lighter overall weight...
  14. I never really liked the way the "New" Deps 175/250 swam out of the box... (Just my opinon...But for that price the bait better swim awesome) I have tuned both and have gotten them where I like them as much as my OG's For the 175 I have the best luck tuning only the front to prevent "Nose up" SET Front weight : 7.2 GRAMS (seems like mine were 5-6 Grams out of the bait) Rear Weight :8-9 Grams (Just leave it alone...focus on the front weight if you want to keep it from nosing up) Hope this helps
  15. You Better call before you make the Trip...I have driven by it on the way to lake Fork over 20 times...hasn't been open once.
  16. Oh man good stuff! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Thanks SU FAMILY! Wes...you crack me up! Thing is your 100% right... not tapping early enough has allways been a problem...Certainly gotta be careful roll'in with those young aggressive guys! I'm getting better slowly...still hurts today but not like it was... Ice 2/3 times a day Ordered a Cryosleeve...Pretty cool deal! Applys Cold and Pressure I think it will help on those long days but hasn't delivered yet...I'll let ya'll know if it helps! I knew it wasn't the only Swimbaiter doing Jiu-jitsu!
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