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Everything posted by hydrocephalic

  1. I think more about atmospheric pressure when thinking about fishing a day where the weather has chanced a lot... High or low pressure systems are usually involved in the weather change. If it's from a high pressure system, the bass will be deep and you can put away the rat. If atmospheric pressure is dropping, I find fishing is better on those odd days, especially up shallow like you asked.
  2. Great video, thanks for sharing, man! I miss that place bad.
  3. Does that rainbow have the tail replaced?
  4. Thanks for the heads up. He's going to hold out for a gill patterns, that looks like bass if I'm not mistaken.
  5. Well, I've ruined a friend's life by giving him a few s-wavers and 68s.... He got himself a swimbait rod on black Friday and now he's looking to expand the arsenal. I'm trying to help him save a few bucks as he gets going with used baits. Looking for a used gantarel, preferably spawn gill but he is open to other gill patterns. PM me if you have one collecting dust.
  6. Baitfish and sissy went fast. Somehow scored a juvi and brown trout after timing out in the cart once.
  7. Nice bucks, dudes! I'm traveling too much for clinicals to coordinate any hunting this year, but I'm gearing up for Cascade whitetail next year. It's good to see some tags getting filled on this board.
  8. Trout WnC and heavy float wade hoggs - $110 tyd each Deps - $175 XXH mink - $140 Open to offers
  9. Bump Trout WnC and heavy float wade hoggs - $115 tyd each Deps - $185 XXH mink - $150 SU WnC - $150
  10. Time to raise funds for cold weather hunting gear, and these haven't been getting love. Deps 250 is a shuddertail with the shuddertail removed, fishes like a normal 250 SS. Painted by Pizz a few years back when 250s were the hype and I ended up dumping way too much money into it. Thrown a few times after repaint, paint is mint. XXH mink shows signs of use and has caught plenty of fish. Other toxics are new. Hoggs is a heavy float, tail installed but never used, will come with the extra tail. Only interested in trades for 3:16 6" freestyle trout, and I know that's a stretch. Please no other trade offers. Toxic x SU grape WnC - PM offers XXH mink - PM offers Trout WnC and heavy float hoggs - $125 tyd each 250 - $200 obo I'm in the middle of medical rotations so I'll do my best to ship ASAP, but there may be a day or so where I can't depending on my schedule.
  11. I don't know if things have changed since I moved, but there was an iron ranger back by the baseball fields you could drop cash or a check in for your permit. I bet that hasn't changed. Shore fishing can be ok at the very end of the bike/jogging path on that end of the lake, as well as the openings in the tullies heading that direction. Murray is a little tough from shore IMO, but there are plenty of points you can access and bombing a cast from those can get you bit. Conventional gear will get more bites, as is generally the case most places. Other than points, there are always fish under the boat house, but you're not supposed to fish there. And if you throw big baits off the fishing dock, be careful... There's some metal cord underwater that eats hudds.
  12. If you're talking the OB pier, no overhead casting allowed there. And honestly, most people are catching mackerel off the piers, which will bum you out as a bass guy. If you wanna throw a deps, bring a 175 and fish mission bay. If you are hell bent on pier fishing, a crocodile will get you bit, but the height will make working a hard swimbait a nightmare.
  13. Not 100# unless we're on monsters, which was rare. And I've used that knot with 25# big game throwing surface iron for yellowtail with zero knot failures, even when I fought a seal until I came back with just the jaw of the yellowtail I hooked. I've got the picture somewhere. It's a tried and true knot. Edit: here's the jaw lol
  14. SD jam as others have said. Doesn't bust on triple digit bluefin... Green bass don't stand a chance unless you're doing it wrong.
  15. Some fake 3:16s have been known to float around online... Looks like that may be one.
  16. Scuba gear for 9 feet of water is unnecessary unless you have zero clue where the bait is or are unfamiliar with having your head under water (hell, my backyard pool was that deep growing up). Granted, I used to freedive and spearfish when I was in SD, but I've retrieved more than a couple rods, 3:16s and Deps from similar and deeper depths with pretty minimal effort, and in some really cold water up here in the PNW. Bring some fins to help you get down and goggles if you to make it a little easier. You can definitely do it if you have a good idea of where it's at.
  17. That fence has to be illegal if it's crossing the water completely. That's a navigable body of water unless the entire shore is private with no rivers or creeks running into it from public land. If that's the case he literally cannot own the water in the cove.
  18. Land owner there sounds like a clown. I'd spend the day fishing on the lake there out of principle alone. Unless he owns all the land surrounding the lake and there are no navigable waters leading to it, he doesn't have a claim to anything below high water mark.
  19. @carlsbadbassin89 old school! I have a no fear board they shaped for me about 15 years ago now somewhere up in the garage. Potato chip!
  20. I appreciate the response and I agree... Won't hurt showing them something shiny they never see.
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