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  1. Im not trying to replicate anyones bait at all if that wasnt clear in my original post. I just wanted to know the dimensions because theyre both proven fish catchers despite their size. I also wanted to know if it would be worth it for me to consider getting one in the future considering the gear I have now and the class of bass I fish for. Thank you
  2. Possibly, I am open to trying to make my own as theyre so expensive haha. Mostly though is whether the profile is too bulky for my fish. I know that one should never underestimate what a bass will try to eat but it can be intimidating for the fisherman all the same. Both baits look pretty tall but they are thin as well. Thanks for chiming in
  3. Hey all Was wondering if any of you hinkle owners could help me out. Ive been wondering what the dimensions (length,width,hight) and weights of andrews baits are. Dont want to jump the gun on something too big for me. Thanks in advance!
  4. Cheaper than a LDC travel rod thats for sure
  5. Slow it down. Dead stick if you have to. Bass will often come over and take a slow sinker on the fall right before it reaches bottom.
  6. The colors that seem to work the best for me are the ones that I have enough confidence in to keep throwing...persistence normally pays of in one way or another with bass fishing.
  7. That black gill looks killer!
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