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Shane Snell

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    Eugene, Oregon
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  1. ALRIGHT!!!! Swim bait sight fishing, for Golden Dorado. Who’s coming with me?! If you don’t know what Golden Dorado are or, what their behavior is like, go learn yoself. Too many awesome videos on YouTube to just pick one to pin in this thread. Those of you who do know what they are and what they are like, tell me that wouldn’t be incredible…
  2. I’ve owned 3 Diawa Lexa 300’s, 2 Curado 300’s. I currently own 4 Tranx. 1 each for high and low gear ratios, in both 300/400. I love them. They are bulletproof. Smooth. But, I personally find them a bit finicky to get dialed in, with casting distance. Am buying a 300 size Tatula/Zillion to try out the T-wing deal, to try out the casting distance difference. All in all…. I’d go with the Tranx over the Curado. That’s just my personal opinion.) I don’t notice the weight difference. I’m already throwing a heavy bait, on a heavy rod. )
  3. So, I’ve got to switch from a 36 liter hiking backpack to, a sling pack. (Yes…..I carry enough crap to fill a 36 liter hiking backpack.) Anyway, a left shoulder injury, is telling me that 1: I carry too much stuff and 2: the strap beats the snot out of that shoulder. I’m looking for suggestions, from those of you, that use them. I’m literally trying to find the largest capacity I can find. I’ve found a few Simms bags that could possibly work. Seems like fishing designed slings, are geared towards fly fishing. Especially in size. Really……if it’s a sling pack, has a high load capacity, not garbage, and preferably waterproof, I don’t care what the bag is designed for. I’ll figure out a way to make it work. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I thank you. Although, the wallet and the wife, will not thank you. But that’s a risk that you, and I, are willing to take. Because….because we just do what we can. For America.
  4. So, I found 7 of these Savage Gear carp line through, in a unopened box, in my garage. Apparently I got this package 2 yrs ago! (My teenage just chucked it in the garage) I honestly forgot about it. Anyway, decided to go back to my swimbaiting roots and, rig one up. The line through trout was the first swimbait I ever purchased. The body of water I was fishing was chocolate milk and only 1-3 inches of viz. Got some debris on the head of the bait during the retrieval. Popped the rod tip up to shake the debris loose. Saw my bait pop up to just under the surface, for a split second. Then I saw the ENTIRE fish swoop in an swallow it. It was honestly, one of the coolest looking eats, I’ve ever had. Not a stud fish, not a perfect retrieve, not the perfect cast. It was just a cool eat. Just a little reminder that you don’t always have to be perfect with a swimbait. Don’t always have to be throwing a bait that is expensive. Haven’t thrown one of these in over 5 yrs. It was just….cool. Just thought I’d share. Cool bites are why I started throwing schwimbaits to start with.
  5. Bro….I’m sorry to hear this. Just lost my wife’s dog last month. Hit by a car. Brutal man
  6. OK, so I have access to a private airport pond. This pond produces pretty solid size bass. It’s a place I have fished in the past and l, actually posted a couple fish on SU, from that pond. I have become friends with the owner and, he was excited to learn that there are bass in it. The pond itself does not have much in the way of underwater cover, except for at the banks. Long story short, this guy wants to dump a bunch of his rich guy money into the pond, to make it a better fishery. I wanted to get with you guys and see what you suggest to do to the pond. The color of the water is like coffee with creamer in it. It’s dirty. His goal is to put in a solar powered 4 aerator/ pump system, to create some current and oxygen. He is working with a biologist from Oregon State University, to clear up the water. We have been putting a bunch of enzymes in and, a natural compound that clears up the water. He is going to stock it with more bluegill and once it’s cleared up, he would like to put trout in it. I have built about 10 spider blocks to drop into the pond. I have a bunch of riprap style rock, a ton (literally) of brick. He’s going to order about 20 yards of gravel to build a big gravel bar. We are also building some homemade floating docks. Not for people use, just for covering concealment for the bass. Any suggestions on what to add to the fishery, would be very helpful. Thanks guys!
  7. I don’t know about y’all but, I can straight zone out while fishing. What is the most moronic, idiot, bonehead move you’ve pulled whilst swimbait fishing? I’ll start. I think the picture, says it all. This smooth move, made me contemplate how I am still walking upright and, still able to steal other human beings air. Jack. Wagon.
  8. What’s up y’all. I was wondering is anybody out there in the underground multiverse, knew of a person/place/website/seedy van in an alley where I can get a hold of spools for the 300/400 size Tranx. Instead of taking 2-3 extra reels with me, I’d rather just slam in a different spool of line. Any info helps. Thanks everybody.
  9. Dude, I fish the ever living ish, out of the Jackal Gantia. 27$. Caught TONS of fish on that. Multiple colors. So cool how you can get that bait to suspend, sink, super slow sink, etc by changing out the hardware. Suspend dots is fun, too. Fish that bait all summer long.
  10. I have a Tracker pro v 17. It’s a great boat. A few cons: pas through windshield. Had lures snag on it during casting so, it’s coming off. Rod lockers are strange and kinda short. Not much storage. Not a ton of front deck space. I’m sure it will feel bigger once the windshield comes off. Other than those few things, I am very pleased with it.
  11. You, sir.... are a braver man than I. Those things kinda gross me out. The ones here in Oregon, stink real bad. I’m not sure if it’s like that every where or just this body of water. I did end up lipping it eventually. It thrashed on the bank and ended up with all 6 hooks in it. So I had to get em out.
  12. Lol, yeah it was. At first... I thought FOR SURE, I finally had my Big Guuurrrl. My Oregon DD. And then I felt how it was fighting. I was like “Either this is the biggest bass I’ve ever hooked, a 3 lber that’s foul hooked or, a stupid friggen carp. I died a little inside when it was the carp. I almost stopped reeling for a split second out of disappointment. Then I realized that I wasn’t in the mood to lose a Bulldozer, to a carp. Lol. Heck of a fight though.
  13. Hey man, some people like their Cucumbers pickled.
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