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Everything posted by SacPig916

  1. I mixed some... Very thick mixtures up. One was so viscus that I could not pour it, the other was like wet baby powder, I had to pack it in by hand. I drilled some holes in some resin scraps I had laying around, about 3/4in in. It cured about 3.5mm of the 3/4in, on both... Which was strange. So it penetrates a bit, but to counter balance the weight of UV resin by adding microspheres, I don't think its possible unless you do it in multiple layers. A much thinner mixture may cure deeper, but wont offset the use of micro balloons to counter the weight of the UV resin.
  2. When I fill, I match products. I use resin to fill resin and wood to fill wood. However, I am intrigued a bit by your question so I will head out to the garage to answer it.
  3. Just finished tuning! 20240516_123451.mp4 My movie 13.mp4 My movie 13.mp4 20240516_123451.mp4
  4. I didn't mean to scare. KBS is a great product, handling it sucks. Product with 2-3 coats are quite strong and durable. Its the necessary argon gas, exposure to air, right humidity, time frame for multicoating and no water for 3 weeks that is the turn off.
  5. 806 is an amazing treble rod. 2-4oz is pretty accurate. One of my favorite rods I own!
  6. You just need to get a feel for your rod, what bait, how much slack line or tight line you have and just a plethora of many other factors. I know this is going to sound strange, but after using a combo for enough repetitions, it becomes part of you. When I first started rat fishing, the year previous, all I did was throw a frog. 300+ days, all frog. My mind was conditioned to set the hooks hard, which lost me so many fish using the same tactics with rats. Now, I don't even react to rat bites and my "hookset" is just reeling or picking up slack line. They either get the treble or not, but conditioning needs practice. So my advice is get out there and just try things till you find something that works for you, fully knowing its a complex system instead of a singular. There is a lot of great advice from people on this board with WAY WAY WAY more experience than I tossing soft swimbaits. The point I was trying to make with the other post was, hooksets are important, but thinking its going to change everything about how you catch fish is just a pipe dream. Once you get it down, PROPER hooksets are priceless, as I think its the reason why a lot of people lose fish.
  7. Unpopular opinion incoming, but hooksets aren't a huge part of fishing if you properly sharpen and upkeep your hooks. It takes VERY little pressure for those hooks to actually break through any part of the mouth. Usually, the pressure it takes to properly load your rod is way more than enough pressure to get proper penetration. I am not sayin with EWG styles hooks you do not need to set, but setting properly isn't swinging as hard as you can either. The larger baits make it much easier to open up the hole the hook made, ensuring most fish hooked with EWG style hooks will come off. What you don't want to do is open the hole prematurely with a hard set and increase your chances of the fish coming off.
  8. They have some pretty interesting studies done on catching bass on beds and releasing them far away from their beds, while blocking a sense. They temporarily blinded, plugged the nose and had a control with no impairments. They concluded that bass with no sense of smell had a harder time finding their beds. The other ones either never tried to find it or made their way back despite being a decent distance away. I cant find the video for reference
  9. Body of water really matters IMO. When I was learning how to fish, i seen some terrible things done to bed fish. Over the course of the guarding phase, groups and GROUPS of people catch the same fish every day. It was so bad that they had no mouth left and was still guarding its bed and i find that f-king despicable. On other bodies of water, there are so many small bass spawning and absolutely ruining the ecosystem. They need to be caught and eaten or fed to wildlife to preserve the fishery, get rid of those small ass bass. My opinion falls on both sides, it really depends on pressure and future of the fishery. There is one thing I am standing by though, catching a bed fish does not count towards your PB. Just like hunting in a nature reserve isn't really hunting.
  10. I've personally talked to the chemists at KBS many times. If you don't mind getting argon spray, limited time for double coating and a 3 week period of not getting any water on the bait, then KBS is actually some good stuff. I chose to discontinue using it for these reasons.
  11. I dont deal with anything. I use 750 watts of Lights and hand spin them. The UV Cave as I call it is a box made of lights, literally. With so much power and so much coverage, i can get a 1.5mm coating on my rats in a single dip and cure. I am using Alumilite UV resin, but there are many good UV resins in the market. Here is a video that I posted awhile ago, but it shows what and how I do it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSxo9eI_4N/ When you see the paper clip hanging down, you are most likely seeing a KBS user.
  12. Well , I had pictures of everything from scratch. Ended up switching phones in the middle of it. Going to be dipping tomorrow or in the next few days!! 20240507_120944.mp4
  13. Appreciate it man! Fishing ponds is all about novelty. Show them something they haven't seen, they adjust in a week, then never bite the bait again. This was my experience for every smaller body of water I've fished. The fish are smarter because of pressure. I developed the rats for pond fishing, like Mossy said, the 1pc with assist cords KILLS these bodies of water.
  14. Take off your reel cover and check to see if the ceramic piece is inside the cover. The hole where your spool fits in.
  15. What ever your rod length is, + best casting position. Example, my 806 does better with 4in hanging from the tip, but my 867 needs about 7-8in to get it to load during casting. The knot should stop before your reel, but never go into it.
  16. I have a 2pc poured with a body style i've never released to the public I'll get some pics up when I start on it
  17. 2k is amazing stuff. Make sure you are in a INSANELY WELL VENTALATED AREA and wear a respirator with organic filters.
  18. I always feel a little guilty promoting my product, but I 100% have the best microballoons in the USA. Contact me on instagram and lets do a video chat and get to the bottom of this!
  19. Find a box that perfectly fits your bait, parcel size is an important factor when it comes to shipping prices, way more than weight. U-Line has an amazing selection of boxes and I highly soggiest ordering from them, one thing about U-Line is the dang shipping prices though. Stay far away from amazon boxes, if you sneeze wrong they will disintegrate
  20. There is guides to follow when watching anime to cut out useless filler. I myself am not a HUGE fan, but I do enjoy some of them. Not sure how I feel about a fishing anime hahaha!! If you dislike or don't watch a lot of Anime, One Punch man really does a great job at poking fun of other anime's while still being entertaining.
  21. I went through this at one point. Ultimately I just decided to buy 400 size reels and use 30lb big game. Before the change, I was running 80lb braid to 30lb big game, still think B2L is the best way to topwater fish. Another realization I had was, big game may not be the best line in the world, however it was inexpensive so I didn't mind changing out my reels every week to keep fresh line in demand.
  22. I've spent a lot of time with mine, it's by far my favorite crankdown I own. Something about the size and sounds just flat out catches, I don't have the same success on other CD's.
  23. Amazing bait, it sounds like dominoes. Catches for me, versatile retrieve depending on reel speeds and rod height. Only thing I suggest is adding a 150lb solid ring to the line tie. It will stabilize the bait at higher speeds while keeping the original action.
  24. If you have any other questions that I can't answer on a timely manner, visit www.sacpig.com for more info. 2pc is 145$
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