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RBTEK1 is trash


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Thanks for the heads up on this subject; sorry so many of you got screwed. As far as blasting people on here goes... I feel almost as if it is a responsibility we each have as enthusiasts to notify like minded individuals of BS like this. After months of trying to resolve the issue in a civil manner behind closed doors I think it's fair to call someone out on their BS.

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:lol::lol: Love this ish so much! You can say what you want about Pizz and the wake jr crap, he made a mistake, he admits it, game over for me. Instead of being so deceitful, I just hit him up and asked him what happened and was going on. He didn't try to back out of it, he told me and that was the end of it. Those fake JR's seem to be a hit on BTD, selling 1 every other month :lol: And yep, he did make a mistake by sending them after talking to Mickey, but if anyone comes at me like that, yep, I'd probably do the same thing at the time. I can understand where you guys that say you will never do business with him again are coming from. I will never do business again with BTD again over the same issue. Called that B**** owner out on Nation and he never responded either, straight up T Mike'd it :lol:


As far as Rich.....man it sucks because he does do some awesome paint work, but after my experience with him, I could never send him bait or cash. With Paul, I know that when I send him a bait, I'm going to get it painted exactly the way I wanted it and back in a timely manner. Same with Brock, I've yet to get a bait painted by him but my dealings with him with the two baits I got went pretty smooth. He told me if I had any problems, just to hit him up and I will if I run into anything. And when I've hit Brock up about painting a bait, he's always hit me back pretty quickly with a more than realistic time frame.


Guess we'll see what kind of guy Rich really is now. Is he gonna T Mike it and back away because we know he's obviously seen this...or is he gonna stand up like a man, admit his mistake and carry on.

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It's not blasting if its true. If someone repeatedly takes people's money and either doesn't do the work or does sh!tty work, they deserve to be called out, straight up. Sucks that there's dudes out there like that, but at least everyone is aware of it now.

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Bait painting comes with its own consequences. I had brock charge me 35-40 bucks (been years) for a shell cracker paint. He told me he couldn't promise of the bait holding up due to ish hinges. after few weeks of throwing, the paint was chipping and clearly the design of the bait was the flaw. There are many baits out there, after use that will start to show signs of wear. FYI, i waited 4 months to get my shell cracker back and over 6 months to get my damn mini slammer painted back from brock. I figured it was the nature of the paint game...


Im not saying you guys are wrong in what happened with your personal experience. I am stating that baits have certain hinge designs, sharp edges that will slowly break down paint jobs, no matter who painted em.


Ive see Baitwerks, Brock, Pizz, and Rbtek1 and all of their paints will hold, up to a certain point when throwing constantly.


Sorry to hear about the issues with him.....

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You guys shoud check out Rafa Custom Baits. I pro staff for him(damn it feels good to say that) and he's always done a great job. He's been painting for a while and is getting into resin mold baits. Great guy and super good work. Great prices compared to what's out there. Quick turnaround on all the baits I've had painted

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Lord Have Mercy! Karma are "dingleberries of a female dog"


I can’t say much about RBTEK1 as I have never shipped any bait to him for repaint. However, I am glad someone with MANDINGO BALLS let the cat out of the bag and said something. As for repaint we as the customer have every right to whom we send our baits to for repaint because at the end of the day we still need baits painted. The last thing we want is to ship it to someone we thought we could trust only to find out they be just yanking our MANDINGO around.


Pizz and Brock are the only two I know and have had the privilege of fishing baits that they repainted. So far no issues and both gentlemen have always been very responsive to any question or concerns regarding baits/repaint.

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im glad i put him on blast. i didnt realize how many other people he's pulled his shinanigans on. i held off on this for a few months but when you see/hear of other guys getting their baits, that you know damn well you sent in before them, getting theirs ahead of you, kinda pisses you off. i had friends contacting him (voluntarily) with responses of how he felt bad and that he was getting a brand new TT to paint for me... empty promises. and it sucks that THIS is what it takes to get his attention to do the right thing but it is what it is. im 1 for 2. ive got my money back now but lets see how long it'll take to get my bait back.

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I'd say by now the dude knows. That got to 8 pages QUICK! :lol:

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Can't argue with you on that one, just unfortunate all around. Calling someone trash... hey to each his own.



The hyperbole in the thread title is probably a bit much. I was speaking to the basic issue of calling him out for his weak dick way of treating customers.

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glad you guys posted this because i had about 500 bucks worth of work i wanted to get him to do... reading this is the type of thing that can save those of us who haven't dropped the cash yet. sorry to hear that this isn't a one time thing for him.


so i guess we should ask... who do we send to now? brock? Pizz?


brocks paint is insane!!! plus hes a straight up guy too. He has replied to me twice on facebook within 30 minutes of my initial message.

Bull my 8.5 proto broke 3 months ago and I aint seen a new one yet after he kept jekin me around I wrote it off as a loss. The bait landed in nothing but water the pin fell out seemed like an easy fix but ....


That sucks, you were slaying some bass with his baits.

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