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Death of a Baby Possum?


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I have a question for the SU family - is my Baby Possum dead?


The other night I hit a local pond for what I hope would be an epic night bite - the last time the 'toon and Baby Possum got together on the pond, I landed 10 fish in a torrid session.  That was about a month ago and with the slightly cooler temperatures, I figured the CO bass would be getting into their fall feeding binge (I am, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet).


Anyway, the night started well - within 10 minutes I had a hit (and miss), and then landed this chunky, if ambitious bass that wanted a possum, with a side of salad.



That was fun, even if the bass wasn't a beast, and as I approached the next productive section of the lake, I had high hopes for a repeat of the last trip. Sadly, it wasn't to be.  On my first cast past a prominent point that almost always has a fish on it (along with an angry Canada goose), the Baby Possu touched down as it has so many times before.  I cranked up the slack, gave the lure a couple of quick jerks to try to stimulate a strike form any bass that might be eyeballing it, and then started to wake it back.  Something was wrong though - there was little resistance in the line and none of the characteristic throb-throb-throb.  Weeds?  Maybe, but then there should have been more resistance.


Instead of weeds, when I brought the lure to hand and flipped on my headlamp, I was shocked to see that the bill of the Baby Possum was gone.  I had repaired it months ago, after getting advice from Clayton Bryant on how to do so, and the Baby Possum had been laying the 50-toothed beat-down to fish up and down the Colorado Front Range.  Now the bill was gone.  I kept fishing, with other lures, but the mojo for the night had sunk into the ooze along with the Baby Possum's bill.  No more fish were caught - heck, I don't even think I had a hit!



Here's a head-on shot of the Baby Possum - she looks sad without her bill.



Here's a side shot of the Baby Possum - other than the bill, she looks like a seasoned veteran who's ready to go a few more rounds.


Anyway, after I got home, I figured I'd contact CL8Baits to see if I could get a replacement bill.  With a new bill, she'd be back in action and the bass would again be given the opportunity to show their hatred of all things Didelphidae.


Then, while I was texting a friend about the woes of being an aquatic possum in Colorado, I looked closely at Baby Possum's face, and my heart just sank.  Not only was her bill, missing, but her face was cracked.  Running from the bill slot to one of her eyes on the left side and from the bill slot to halfway to her eye on the right side was a hairline stress fracture.



Left side showing the crack.



Right side of the crack.


I guess the life of a Baby Possum was stressful, what with largemouths (lots), smallmouth (one), tiger musky (one), and northern pike (two) beating on you.  Her face, or at least the business end of it, was about to crack off.  That would have been even more traumatic, especially if it happened while the hooks were attached to a big bass, or must, or pike.


So, I think that Baby Possums days have come to an end.  Do any of you know if she can be fixed?


If not, she's earned a spot on my wall of fame, so she'll still hang out in the fishing room.  If she is toast, then I guess it's time to place an order with CL8Bait!

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Chris, have you tried to send Clayton an email with a couple pics?


If you feel the mojo in this lil guy, dont give up to easy, he might be able to help you out and put a new bill in there and work the hairline crack.


Clayton has been nothing but top notch A+ whenever i have dealt with him, im sure he will provide some feedback for you


His email is clayton@cl8bait.com



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Chris, have you tried to send Clayton an email with a couple pics?


If you feel the mojo in this lil guy, dont give up to easy, he might be able to help you out and put a new bill in there and work the hairline crack.


Clayton has been nothing but top notch A+ whenever i have dealt with him, im sure he will provide some feedback for you


His email is clayton@cl8bait.com



Scott, you're 100% correct about the A+ customer service.


I had contacted Clayton about a replacement bill for the Baby Possum and he was ready to send me one.  I hadn't yet contacted him about the cracked face, but he must have seen my post on SU because this is the email I just received.  I had just ordered a new Baby Possum from his website since I figured Baby Possum I had earned her retirement.



Hello Chris, I received your order. I see you had a fracture on the baby possum. Thats a bummer!. If you would like to ship it to me I can try and fix it so you can have a back up? I will be shipping your bait out in a couple days. I you want to send it to me I can try and fix it and send it back with your order if you would like? 

Let me know,
Thank you for your order!
If that is not awesome customer service, I don't know what is.  If you wonder why I order baits directly from the guys that build them, that email explains it in a nutshell.  I suspect Clayton is on SU, so if he is, this is my public THANK YOU!  I decided not to take him up on the offer - the Baby Possum has earned her retirement and I'm going to have a great time explaining why there's a possum on my wall when people come over!
Colorado fishes, you'd better watch out...Baby Possum II is coming!
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Road rash, blind in one eye, busted lip, and a cracked smile, and would still look good retired on a wall of fame.

That describes her perfectly - I had people looking into my office when I started laughing after reading this description!


So sad to hear Chris ...time to break in a new one!

Yes indeed!


you put the possum to work! sadly they age faster than us. retirement is a step away.


Yup, she's earned it - time for her to relax on the wall.

Man I love reading your stories...However it looks like this one has come to a sad end...Time for a new one and retire the old...Good luck...

I agree!


Ain't looking good for that rodent with the line tie where it is. Happy retirement possum.

Yeah, I think I could get it fixed (see post above), but I'm going to put her to pasture.

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