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Everything posted by BrownSteele86

  1. Forgot to add, Burritos are all new.
  2. 7.5” golden shiner line through, Pearl Bacca Burrito, and jighook crappie as a lot - $75 shipped Black XL Nez Wake - $95 shipped No Trades Please Thanks!!
  3. Rago - $SOLD$ PhoneyCraw - $SOLD$ Toxic Slobstopper golden shiner - $75 Toxic Splash Gourdon - Pending Hiro Softtail Perch XSS - $170 PayPal F&F or pay fees please. Prices are shipped. Thanks SU!! 585-6nine8-sevenone77 for faster response - Todd
  4. Found one already thanks the perfectpaul! I would still be interested in the brown in the photo above if anyone is willing to part... trade or cash. Thanks SU
  5. Really looking for this particular color in a wake lip if possible.. Thanks!
  6. Looking for a Nez XL with the wake lip. Been doing well with a used one that I recently purchased and would like a darker color or more exotic pattern. Brown, black, frog, pink, copper, etc... The dark brown or black is the preferred colors. I will also look at the standard lipped nez xl. Thanks Underground!
  7. You will get some, just gotta keep an eye on the site.. all of a sudden, BOOM! Site is loaded and tou got free reign lol. Good luck man!!
  8. I don't think they have even shipped yet. No one should have them yet, it is a new pattern for him
  9. 4.8 keitechs on a ballhead... fish the drops and edges. S-waver 168, rago alpha shad, lunker punker jr but only if you have a healthy heart.... blowups are insane. 3ft out of the water is normal lol! I’m in Upstate NY, DM if you need any questions answered bro. Good luck!! Todd
  10. I made a hefty trade to Joe and it was flawless. I won’t hesitate to do so again. Communication was excellent, bait was better than described, packaged very well, and both parties were very satisfied! Thanks Joe, loving the bait. Hope yours sees action soon enough!! Todd
  11. He will be doing a pre-order again soon I’m sure.. otherwise, just keep an eye out on the Black Market. They pop up from time to time. Definitely worth the money!
  12. That is one bait I will never part with, for sure. The Wade Hoggs has been a top producer for me the past two seasons and the SU hoggs is an excellent morning/evening/nighttime color for wakes... that is certainly a night I won’t forget! I had a weird feeling I would see the burrito again but I didn’t expect it to be in that way. Never give up!!!
  13. You can pm an offer on one of these two... not looking to part really, but at the right price I might. Lmk Todd
  14. Also interested in super slow sink TT’s or floating cut tails!
  15. Looking to trade this Soft Skin GS Negotiator. Purchased recently from RMusa and have others I plan on throwing more. Test swam and it is perfect. Would like to trade for/towards other custom glides (hinkle shad, hiro, etc) OR wakes/crankdowns. Willing to add money where necessary... would really like a hinkle shad, but open to offers. Text for faster response 585-6nine8-7one7seven If no trade interest, I may sell for the right offer. Thanks!
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