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Everything posted by Snookonfly

  1. Nice! I don’t know if they are overlooked... Seems more like they are scarce.
  2. Looking for a floater...preferably a trout color but I’m open to other colors. Send me a PM if you have one for sale or trade. Really appreciate the SU community’s help!!
  3. 7 inches exactly from tip of the tail to the tip of the nose.
  4. Anyone caught any bigs on the Crankdown herrings? It looks sick! Thought there might be some 3:16 gurus out there who have some input.
  5. Bump for a solid dude & trusting seller!
  6. From a retail pricing perspective, a 3:16 WH retails at $225 and a UFO retails for $120-$140. BUT there are plenty of variables that can and do effect value...especially in the swimbait market. The high demand and low supply of the UFO could level out the perceived value of that trade to someone. And visa versus for the work horse. As stated above, if everyone is happy then it’s a good trade. Free bump and GLWT, man.
  7. New? OG? Hard to tell in pic w the Repaint... Thanks.
  8. I’m pretty sure he makes them himself still. I remember ordering a couple and expecting them to come quicker than they did but when I got them, you could tell they were just made. I wouldn’t stress too much! Would bet it’s much less wait time than most baits. You can email him and he will respond w update If you get antsy. Good luck!
  9. Looking for 3:16 eight inch FS trout. (Would possibly consider a 10 inch in trout colors or 6 inch in baitfish color as well) Willing to trade BNIB UFO Wake in the Juvi color by BassJak for the right 316 FS trout. PM me if you are interested in trade. I have solid credit in the SU community and can have strong long term members provide reference if needed. Thanks!
  10. Bump...Also, I am considering trading my UFO in Juvenile for the 8 inch FS trout OR the 6 inch FS trout in baitfish color.
  11. Looking for an 8 inch FS Trout. Open to different colors... Thanks for everyone’s help in advance!
  12. I keep them on the rod with that Velcro protector over it. I also have a Plano Arig box to keep extra Arigs. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Plano_Alabama_Rig_Stowaway_Box_3708/descpage-P3708.html?from=gshop&gclid=CjwKCAiA8ejuBRAaEiwAn-iJ3kzIMmr3YEpRsdMEJpKHChtTBBf07l775YQ2MyMB3tk4srhsqjHiHBoC61YQAvD_BwE
  13. Something like this works for me. https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-Fishing-Wraps-Medium-Inches/dp/B07C3WRLBJ?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_1 I collapse the arms together and Velcro them down.
  14. Slob of a smallie! Congrats on the PB! Good looking bait too
  15. I have had the same issue and though I’d rather have the real deal, I would be interested in the fins as well.
  16. He has responded to me in the past. Maybe he has ducked out for a bit. Hoping to get in touch w him eventually.
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