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I keep a log in my boat glove box. I write down what lake, date, how many fish caught and numbers caught on what. Then water depth. I figuar in future dates I can look back to a certin time of the year and see what was working.


I do this too, been doing it for a while now and like to go back and look at dates and times when I have done well. Doesn't take very long but I too just use pen and paper.

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I keep one. I keep it a work and fill it out on mondays. That way i have something to look foward to. I write stuff like depth, location, temp, tides, and bait. I dont think it helps me remember that stuff. But I also put what other guys had succes with at tournys. It is helpful to look back and see that so and so kicked my but over hear or on this.

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I keep a detailed log book. I record date, temp outside, watercolor, lures that worked, colors, location of fish and how many I caught. I usually fill it out when I get home from fishing. I don't get to fish whenever I want because of work, so this is the closest thing to tracking the fish that I can think of

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I've started a couple over the years but never stuck with 'em. I do however, try to take a mental picture of the day, including wind direction and speed, water and air temp, season, moon phase, etc. and have been fairly successful on one particular body of water based on the findings of my friends and I. Before kids I stared at the weather channel nonstop while planning and plotting. Now I'm checkin' forecasts on my phone while the kids watch Sesame Street. :lol:

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Chances are, you're not capturing enough fields or able to build a report from that data for it to matter. I have a buddy that has 7 years of fishing a few specific reservoirs stored in a database. He captures about 20 pieces of data for every fish he catches, including GPS location, bait, time, weather, water depth, bait, retrieve cadence, etc. with a digital voice recorder. He can query that database using whatever fields he wants.


Does all this make him a better fisherman? Who knows. I tend to think he's better anyway.

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I know if i tried, i'd probably get too crazy with it. Thankfully i'm young and have a pretty good brain and memory. I can remember almost every swimbait fish i caught, so i develop patterns/idea off of past fish. Sometimes it works, sometimes i have to adjust. I always keep in mind the weather pattern, moon phase and such and can usually replicate the bite i was on at a particular lake/spot. Certain lakes have certain characteristics in which the fish respond to. Whether it be a certain retrieve for wood structure or concrete ect..I just remember as much as i can and not worry about getting too scientific. I just fish for the fun and pursuit, if i get skunked, so be it. All part of game.



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There are several apps for that! Jimmy Houston's Fish notes is one of them it records gps, time, your bait, water color, depth, temp etc. You manually put in some information but the time date and gps location are entered for you. I know it has a community feature where you can see what others are catching and using around you and vice versa but I believe you can also turn that feature off to keep your info to yourself.

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I used to try, but found I was normally too tired when I got home to be messin with a journal. What I do now is take pics, and the file name for the pic tells me lake, date, and weight. Then I right click on the jpg and go to properties. From there I click on the summary tab and write anything I think may be of importance. Its an easy way to keep somewhat of a journal.

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