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Everything posted by Amistoad

  1. The best part of waking up!
  2. Quality fish and quality father-son time. Winning!
  3. Day-yum. I really need to get me a DD.
  4. Set the hook again if it’s a long cast. Line stretches and absorbs shock from the hookset. I’ll set a couple of times after the initial if I don’t think it’s solid. Cast, strike, set, crank Crank CRANK, set again, then maybe again if needed. I’ve stopped losing fish mostly....mostly.
  5. Looking for baits only? How about reels? I have a Calcutta 400 I’d part with. Also a Cl8 baby possum. Let me know!
  6. There’s a lot of these scumbags in Houston. Sorry you got ripped off.
  7. Thing looks almost like a walleye. Around here, a 22” largemouth will weigh 6# and change.
  8. Great color on the big, brown bass!
  9. We do SOME things right, here in Tejas.
  10. I’ve spoken to a bunch of guys at the lake and we all see a major problem with castnetters. These guys wade out up to their necks, 3 and 4 in a group and throw nets all day, every day over every single inch of the shoreline. Spawning bass get caught no doubt. Some of my areas that used to put out 5-8 lbs bass regularly have nothing the last 2 years. Hopefully Texas Parks and Wildlife starts regulating. But until then, I’m off to find greener pastures! I’m always up for a challenge!
  11. My local lake has been kicking out some nice bass this year, but nothing over about 4 lbs. but I’m lazy and know I can at least catch numbers if not size. That changed yesterday. Couldn’t get anything going on wakes or glides and finally resorted to throwing a plastic worm just to feel a tug. Most fish were 15-18”, but a couple on the worm were the same size as the 10” wakebait I was throwing in the morning. To top it off, as I was leaving, the lady at the entrance station told me the lake will be closed until further notice. So...time to get off my butt and explore some new lakes that are still open! Not many, but one nearby has some 10+ fish caught every year. This could be a blessing in disguise! Keep on grinding out there and be safe!
  12. Day-yum!! You’re making some good progress on this!!
  13. I’ve been saying that for years. Guys treat this like eBay and try to be “playahs, yo!” and it leads to crap like this.
  14. This requires immediate investigation and a second opinion. PM me the GPS location of the pond with nothing under 6 and I’ll go check it out...in the name of science of course.
  15. Had something similar happen with another guy a few months back. He accepted my offer, then when I sent payment, told me he had already sold to someone else. WTF?! Some of our members need to learn a bit about basic business ethics and practices before trying to be entrepreneurs. sorry. I just despise this kind of stuff.
  16. Beauty bass! Looks like she t-boned the snot out of it!
  17. Beauty smallmouth! Where abouts in Maine are you geographically? My wife used to spend a lot of time in Ogunquit as a kid and keeps wanting to go back for a summer vacation.
  18. Thanks. The pattern almost perfectly matches the tilapia in the lake. Not sure it matters much in a topwater, but it makes me happy. I’ve read that once bass reach 5 lbs or so, they transition from sucking up threadfin to crushing sunfish, tilapia, and gizzard shad. Makes sense.
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