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nathannichols14 last won the day on December 15 2018

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    San Diego, California
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  1. Learned a new stinger hook rig from a buddy of mine tonight and thought i would share. I usually run 130+ lb single strand, but this time I wanted to try the braid method. 65 lb daiwa j-braid ST36 Treble SD Jam knot (7 turns) around the jig hook - pass braid through the treble, back around the jig hook, back through the treble and synch it down with 8-10 half fitches and on your final hitch make it a tripple. On the jig hook knot I burned the tag down, as well as the final half hitch. Finally, rather than jamming the hook into the bait I used a small cut paperclip to pin the treble so that all points could remain exposed. Hopefully this helps someone else!
  2. My buddy Scotts @carlsbadbassin89 post about his calicos inspired me to throw a few pics up of my pops and I and our PBs. The 2 photos of myself are a 7lb 9oz and a 9lb 13oz both on warbaits underspins with a 9" viejos MC swimbait. (Calicos are incredibly dense fish, so their frame may not be the same of a largemouth weighing in at that weight) My pops was a whopper at over 10lbs and caught on the 7" MC weedless (if i remember correctly). Anyways, still targeting these big fish on a super regular basis so hopefully i can break that 10lb mark this year!
  3. Whatsup SU. Check the video of our last day in San Q this August on wide tf open calicos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5b7x_xwWqE&t=7s
  4. So this is my first year fishing post spawn bass with swimbaits. I know the bass are more aggressive and looking to feed, but I also know that putting together any sort of pattern can be tough because some fish stay relatively shallow and some go deep to ledges and what not. What are some presentations and methods that you guys like in the early post spawn?
  5. Whatsup SU. Im looking for some feathered trebles for my deps 250s. Anybody do feathering or have trebles for sale?
  6. Looking for a TK with a lip in pretty much any natural(ish) looking colors. Payment ready!
  7. helpful would be an understatement my friend. As a matter of fact, I am going to try this to a T the next time I take my reels apart!
  8. What all do you guys do when you do a maintenance servicing on your reels? I'm interested to see how in-depth some peoples "routine services" are and how they differ from other dudes! For me, it is a simple stripping of all major gears and components, cleaning with some sort of a solvent (especially my salt water stuff i use salt away) and a light greasing of gears and back together she goes assuming no parts are needing replacement.
  9. I have already asked you this question bro Im trying to find us a way into a spot...shhhhhh
  10. Where are my SD dudes at? I have a question regarding a specific body of water....PM me
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