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Rat struggle


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If you're able to go at night, that's definitely the easiest way to get bit by far.

Chuck it everywhere off points, shallows, over weeds, and you'll get bit.


If you can't throw it at night or have been and still not getting bit, try slowing down your retrieve to where the rat is just barely working.

You wanna find that sweet spot with your reel, and once you get bit repeat that cadence.


Lastly, try throwing parallel to the bank and make sure to be as stealthy as possible when doing so.

It's only a matter of time till you get bit. Keep working at it

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You will get bit might take time but ive killed it on a pond with it and jump to the next one over nothing not once. but i have good luck with hudds and other swimbaits have no idea why its not getting bites, but it doesnt stop me from trying im doing A night trip tomorrow see if that breaks the curse for that pond

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If you're able to go at night, that's definitely the easiest way to get bit by far.

Chuck it everywhere off points, shallows, over weeds, and you'll get bit.


If you can't throw it at night or have been and still not getting bit, try slowing down your retrieve to where the rat is just barely working.

You wanna find that sweet spot with your reel, and once you get bit repeat that cadence.


Lastly, try throwing parallel to the bank and make sure to be as stealthy as possible when doing so.

It's only a matter of time till you get bit. Keep working at it

X2.  Just keep throwing it. vary your cadence.  If you have any emergent vegetation in the pond, throw around it and in it.  Also remember when you pond fish to walk quietly and at a slow pace.  The fish near the bank can see and feel you walking and if you spook them you will likely need to revisit that spot 30-60min later to see if that fish has returned.  

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Throw it where rats would fall into the water - off banks, around docks, laydowns/timber, rocks, etc. Imitate the natural prey. Reel, reel, twitch and pause. You will get bit. Take the tail off and "twerk it" - see Bill Siementals video about that. Walk it. Try different techniques. You will get bit - it is one of the most versatile rats on the market.

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Use a scent gotta try that deer pee. Gulp and f2 are water soluble and generally don't gunk your lure for the next trip. Go crazy I ran out of f2 shad and have been using gulp crab spray with good results.

Edited by bigpoppabass
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