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Favorite Rain/Storm Baits?


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Rat is definitely a solid choice. When it’s raining during the day I’ll typically throw a slammer or some other wake. At night if there’s rain I’m typically throwing the loudest bait I can. For me that either the SPRO rat or the drt joker

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Breaking down your body of water and shore line is a good start to figuring out what to throw during a storm. Lakes, ponds, ditches,rivers, streams, big or small are very likely To be the local watering hole for large numbers of rodent and reptile activity. Look on the shoreline and 6 to 10 feet above the water line for signs of holes and dens, small game trails and depressions or tracks leading to the water line. Seeing these things can give you an idea of what exact profile you can start with and as I see it the majority of our comrades are suggesting top water and wake bates as their favorite stormy weather go-to’s with a logical reason behind the idea. The idea ( in my opinion) is a two part answer, the first answer is that when it rains the water is prone to rising ( quickly in smaller ponds and bodies of water) and when this happens it pushes all shore line life out of their homes and burrows and into the water, literally right into the predators habitat. This will happen every time, time after time, FOREVER. Animals survive on routine, the sayings “creature of habit” and “creature comforts” exist for a reason. Rodents, reptiles and large bugs will  go back to these homes every time instead of digging new ones or even move into each other’s holes and dens when abandoned or left alone for to long, the point being there’s usually some kind of bass food hiding in there and the bass know it and will wait for this event to unfold. The second part is that rain creates a steady disturbance in the surface or the water which is generally thought to “fire up” the fish, I dunno if it’s a total fish rager like the rain triggers party time all the time, every time. I doubt it, I’m more willing to bet that it’s associative to the fish that when the surface gets crazy more food arrives on the surface, rain will knock pretty much all insect life out of the air into the water or  drowning in a trickle of water going down the shore into the water. Think about that but with heavy rain and wind, birds and bats getting beat up and tired falling and struggling in the water, rodents and reptiles getting washed out into the water struggling and drowning. It’s the natural cycle and it’s BEEN happening, trust.  it’s also the exact theory of match the hatch just with weather as the main factor. Before I start writing a thesis i want to add one last idea; Go with the rain surface disturbance factor and think about a good sub-surface or ss bait ( 1’-6’ deep, variables depending) like a glide or rof 5 softie in a stand outish color. Cruzing this bait at a medium or faster retrieve is not a bad idea, after all the fish are all juiced up ready to chomp any ways right?!

Reading this obviously took some time but so did figuring this out and gathering information about this subject from other sources takes up time as well so really before all that time gets wasted I can tell you I have absolute confidence in the rain and wind, night or day with crawlers of all shapes and sizes. They work hands down.

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I love wake baits in the rain, especially on summer warm muggy rainy days.

Baby wake has been the best producer for me. Hoping to try my luck with my own wake bait this year.

If its cold and rainy, then I"ll stick to the traditional soft bait slow roll.

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